
Black Lives Matter

July 1, 2021
Rishi Shah

Systemic and institutionalized racism cannot be ignored and must actively be fought against.

We are heartbroken by the tragic murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and countless others. Systemic and institutionalized racism cannot be ignored and must actively be fought against.

Black Lives Matter.

We’ve compiled a list of ways in which we can work together to end racism and racial injustice. If you have any additional suggestions, we’d appreciate your feedback.

Support black-owned businesses: Choosing to shop at black-owned businesses directly supports black Americans. Your patronage is especially important in the wake of Covid. Here are a few great places to start:

  1. We Buy Black
  2. The Black Wallet
  3. Support Black Owned
  4. UberEats now offers free delivery from Black-owned restaurants
  5. More ideas from NY Mag

Donate to charities that support racial justice: Another way to make a difference is to donate to organizations fighting for racial justice. Find out if your company will match donations (many are doing so), and consider asking for donations to your charity of choice in lieu of birthday gifts.

  1. SPLC
  2. NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund
  3. Color of Change
  4. Innocence Project

Read children’s books that represent black protagonists and discuss anti-racism: Read to the children in your life, and donate books to classroom teachers so they can share them with their students. Here are some great places to look:

  1. Black Books Matter
  2. AALBC recommendations

Fight against police brutality: Here’s a helpful list of things we can do to fight against police brutality.

Digioh’s commitment:

As a business, we have committed to making a donation to the Innocence Project for every new client that signs up for Digioh. We’re also matching employee donations to the racial justice charity of their choice.

Rishi Shah
Co-Founder & CEO
For over a decade, Rishi Shah has been a noteworthy leader in the digital marketing space. He is the CEO and Co-Founder of Digioh and is passionate about helping businesses increase their marketing ROI by converting more website visitors to subscribers and customers. He currently resides in San Francisco, California, and enjoys hiking on the weekend with his wife and 2 kids.

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