
Keep Your Marketing FRESH with New Themes

May 11, 2023
Michaela Barriga

Stay ahead of emerging trends in marketing with themes designed to collect zero-party data, gamify your site and increase conversions.

Marketing is not a set-it-and-forget-it machine. 

Trends change, design styles evolve, new technology appears. Marketing is a nimble art form, moving seamlessly to what will work next. It also carries curiosity with a scientific mind: open to testing, gathering data, and changing course accordingly. 

To help customers keep up, and stay ahead, we’re always developing new themes on the Digioh marketing platform. Fresh new ways to collect zero-party data, gamify your site, and increase your conversion rates. A few new exciting themes and customer examples went live recently, and we’re here to pull back the curtain and give you a sneak peak!

Quick Zero-Party Data Capture

Often, we see zero-party data capture in a quiz or multi-step form. But getting to know your customers doesn’t always have to be so long form. And you can collect it in more than one way. Check out this quick zero-party data capture lightbox!

A sample pop-up asking customers what kind of dress they are shopping for in exchange for a discount code.


In addition to having a new fun way to promote a coupon, this lightbox theme subtly gathers a little bit of information about your site visitors. You could make this a multi-step form and ask for their email address after they answer to grow your list. Or keep it quick and award the coupon just for answering!

Spotlight: Gamification

In marketing, gamification refers to any way you are turning your interaction with customers into a game. It could be a contest, a drawing, spinning the wheel, or even a creative game you make up yourself!

We’re going to cover 3 examples of gamification:

  • Contests
  • Interactive Polls
  • Luck of the Draw


People Magazine's 2022 Cutest Rescue dog Contest presented by Pedigree

PEOPLE Magazine created a World’s Cutest Rescue Dog Contest. Anyone can enter by filling out a form including a picture and some words about their favorite furry rescue. 

An example contest entry form for People

Everyone loves to win, and contests are no exception! Contests like this:

  • Encourage and build a fun community
  • Create positive memories with your brand
  • Grow your contact lists
  • Gather consumer-consented data for future targeted marketing campaigns

What kind of contest could you create?

Interactive Polls

Similar to contests, a poll puts the power to choose a winner in the hands of your site visitors. Take this poll example from allrecipes:

An example of an interactive poll for that lets users vote on their favorite mushroom recipe

Each of these recipes is a page on their site, so they are getting major interaction with the pages of their choice. If viewers like the recipes they try in this poll process, they’re sure to return for more. Allrecipes’ strategy is sound here, accomplishing so much with just a simple poll:

  • Extra exposure to specific pages
  • Building a brand that values input and contributions from their community
  • More list growth + consumer-consented data collection
  • Demonstrates the broad categories of recipes they offer
An example of a voting page and giveaway signup to win $1000

Luck of the Draw

Which door will you choose? One, two, three? It’s up to you!

The anticipation of what you might uncover, the rush of adrenaline increasing the excitement, and the moment of pride when you get your prize: this is the luck of the draw.

An example lightbox to let visitors choose a surprise offer if they enter their email address

This new theme is a more exciting way to introduce an offer. Instead of immediately telling someone “Get 20% off!” try creating 3 unique offers, cover them up, and tell them to choose. This game of chance builds excitement, anticipation, and evokes the feelings that they “earned” their reward by having a hand in choosing it. 

Note: Make your offers fun! Don’t offer something you wouldn’t want to win yourself. This strategy could backfire if the prize isn’t something someone would want.

Sharing the Love

This isn’t Digioh’s first refer-a-friend theme, but we had to give it a moment in the spotlight! 

an example of a refer-a-friend pop-up design

Rewards and refer-a-friend programs inspire the most powerful kind of marketing: word of mouth. Often, word of mouth is something we don’t have a lot of control over. But find every opportunity you can to encourage it: many brands cultivate a refer-a-friend program like this.

Playful Page Takeover

Whichever widget you decide to choose, make it fun. Check out how delectably eye-grabbing this full-page takeover theme looks.

an example of a full screen takeover email capture page

This is not a bland design. You can practically taste the colorful doughnuts. The emoji modernizes the offer as well, making it feel fresh and irresistible. Instead of a lightbox pop-up that covers part of the screen, this offer is a full-page takeover. This method fully engrosses the viewer into the moment of this offer. 

Refresh Your Themes

Are you keeping your themes fresh? Running A/B tests to compare the designs, copy, or conditions that work the best? As we said in the beginning: marketing is a fluid art that is constantly innovating, a curious science continually recalibrating. Refresh your marketing by updating your current forms, changing to a new theme, and even testing new strategies as they come out.

In other words: stay creative and have fun. Your viewers and customers will stay engaged and keep returning! 

Michaela Barriga
Content & Partner Marketing Manager
Michaela is Digioh’s Content & Partner Marketing Manager and oversees all things content and partner connection. With a passion for helping businesses grow stronger through organization and authentic connection, Michaela has worked with small and large businesses in copywriting, content creation, and project organization. She currently resides in Austin, Texas with her husband and their 2 black lab mixes.

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