Email Marketing

Turn Quiz Answers into Flow Revenue with Digioh + Klaviyo Product Recommendation Emails

August 23, 2023
Rene Emery

Learn how sending product recommendation quiz results in your Klaviyo emails can help drive revenue beyond the quiz.

For one brand, sending Klaviyo product recommendation emails led to over $70k in email revenue in just under 8 months—and it all started with a custom Klaviyo quiz powered by Digioh. With quizzes, you can capture key information that leads to:

1.  Instant conversions

2.  Customer profile building

3.  Email flow revenue

Your ideal customers may need the products that you sell, but you must let them know about them. A simple, fast quiz can help you educate your customers, drive sales, enrich your customer profiles, and create an email flow that recommends the perfect products to them.

Laser-targeted Klaviyo product recommendations drive more revenue from your list and keep subscribers happier.

What are Product Recommendation Emails?

Let’s say a user takes your quiz but doesn’t take action. By emailing customers their product recommendation quiz results, you provide shoppers with a handy way to retrieve their recommended products, and you earn your brand another chance at conversion.

example of a klaviyo product recommendation email sent by health-ade
Health-Ade sends their quiz takers a product recommendation email containing their quiz results and a unique discount code.

After all, if someone spends the time to take your quiz, they’re probably pretty interested in your products. Whether a shopper isn’t ready to buy or forgets to complete their purchase, putting the perfect products in their inbox can be a great way to drive purchases and get the most from your quiz investment.

klaviyo product recommendations sent by pete and pedro
Pete & Pedro is another example of a brand that sends Klaviyo product recommendation emails.

Increase Revenue with Klaviyo Product Recommendation Emails

Whether you use Klaviyo or another email service provider, product recommendation emails are great for landing more sales. In fact, we’ve found that these emails convert at the same or higher rates than abandoned cart campaigns.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Create a product recommendation quiz.
  2. Connect your quiz to your eCommerce platform and Klaviyo account (Digioh makes this easy).
  3. Set up a dynamic email inside Klaviyo.
  4. Launch and promote your quiz.
  5. Shoppers who take your quiz receive an email with their quiz results.

You can use the data collected through your quiz to segment your email list and show the most relevant products, promotions, and content.

For example, swimwear brand Andie’s Fit Quiz recommends products to users based on their:

  • Activities (lounging, lap swimming, etc.)
  • Size
  • Torso length
  • Height
  • Coverage and support preferences
andie product recommendation quiz connected to klaviyo
Andie uses their Klaviyo-connected quiz to drive more email revenue.

Consumers who take the quiz receive recommendations for products geared to their style and individual size.

The result?

$70k+ in sales from a Klaviyo product recommendation email and a 55% YoY growth in email flow revenue. That’s all on top of the sales won by quiz takers who check out right away! (More on this below.)

Tips for Sending Product Recommendation Emails with Klaviyo

To ensure your email makes the biggest impact possible, we recommend doing the following:

  • Create a quiz that accommodates shopper needs, sizes, and preferences to make the best recommendations.
  • Send product recommendation emails 10 – 20 minutes after the quiz is completed, if they do not make a purchase.

This strategy works just like cart abandonment emails. When a visitor scours your site for 1-3 minutes before adding something to their cart, you know they’re invested. Similarly, quiz takers have already spent a few minutes filling out your quiz, but they may not have the time to complete a purchase.

However, if a shopper fills out a quiz, they have high intent, and you can reach them with your re-marketing strategy.

Users can also revisit the recommendation email on any other device that they use.

Customer Success Story: Andie

Andie started with the goal of:

  • Increasing customer acquisition
  • Leveraging zero-party data
  • Boosting repeat purchases

Andie rebooted their Fit Finder quiz with Digioh to meet the goals outlined above, launching a new quiz that sends a product recommendation email to all quiz takers.

a product recommendation email sent by Andie using Klaviyo
Shoppers who take Andie's fit finder quiz receive an email with their product results, giving them an easy way to return to their product recommendations.

The results of this automated email speak for themselves:

  • 55% YoY growth in revenue from email flows
  • A 70.9% lift in click-through rates for quiz results emails
  • $70k+ in additional revenue from flows

We can help you create your own Klaviyo product recommendation quiz results email to experience the power of a Klaviyo quiz and how it can drive more sales and increase customer satisfaction.

More Opportunities to Grow Email Revenue with Quizzes

The benefits of product recommendation emails don’t end with the initial results email. Quizzes provide valuable zero-party data that you can leverage to further grow your email revenue.

Send Reminder Emails

Say a customer takes your quiz. They get your product recommendation email. Several days pass, and they still haven’t bought a recommended product. Send a reminder email that includes their quiz results, suggested products, and maybe even a unique discount code.

Sometimes, a follow-up reminder is all it takes to nudge a user to buy.

Build Customer Profiles

The zero-party data you collect from your quiz can be used to build customer profiles in Klaviyo. When your questions are carefully planned, you provide customers with their results and gather valuable information to build customer profiles, such as:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Budget
  • Favorite brand
  • Goals or pain points
  • Preferred contact method

Sometimes, a quiz can provide surprising results and insights. For example, men’s jewelry Jaxxon assumed that their customers were primarily women purchasing gifts for men. However, their quiz data painted a different picture.

When asked, “Are you shopping for yourself or someone else?” to Jaxxon’s surprise, most quiz takers reported shopping for themselves.

product recommendation quiz using shopify and klaviyo
Jaxxon's product recommendation quiz shows results based on, among other things, who the shopper is buying for.

That one question gave Jaxxon tremendous insight into who their customer is, and that data can ensure their marketing messages are targeted at the right people.

Segment Your Klaviyo Lists

You can also use zero-party data from your Klaviyo-connected quizzes to segment your list and create targeted flows in Klaviyo.

Segmenting your list and creating targeted flows in Klaviyo ensures that subscribers see messages based on their needs or preferences.

It’s another level of personalization that can help improve open rates and conversions while reducing unsubscribe rates.

Email Quizzes to Customers Who Haven’t Taken Them

Because product recommendation emails have such high conversion rates, it makes sense to get as many customers as possible to take them.

To grow your email revenue, make sure you promote your quiz to subscribers who haven’t taken it yet.

product recommendation email that invites users to take a quiz
Embed a quiz question right into the body of an email. When they click on their answer, the quiz will open in a web browser where they can finish taking it.

Turn Quizzes into a Retention Revenue Multiplier

Product recommendation emails are an effective way to grow your email revenue and overall sales. They help customers find what they need, making them more likely to make a purchase. With Digioh, you can create Klaviyo product recommendation emails and gather zero-party data that you can leverage to further grow your revenue.

See more examples of quizzes on Digioh!

Rene Emery
Contributing Writer
Emery is a B2B/Finance/SaaS writer who focuses on clear, concise, and optimized content. Leveraging 12+ years of experience, she relies on her work with hundreds of companies worldwide to create content that speaks to readers and makes difficult topics easy to understand.

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