Digioh’s Product Release Greatest Hits: Summer Edition
Summer is a great time to head to the beach, relax with a book, host a cookout… and to make big updates to Digioh!
If you haven’t already noticed some of the latest and greatest, let’s take a moment to review all that has improved in Digioh over the last three months.
UI Overhaul
Updated Theming
This is a sweeping overhaul of what you see inside Digioh. A little spring cleaning in the summer, if you will. A large update touching nearly all of the markup in the editor, we’ve improved labels to be more descriptive and understandable and improved contrast and readability. The best part is this is just the beginning of a set of updates that are foundational for additional enhancements.
New Header & Footer
New header, who dis? We’ve cleaned up our act, and header/footer, in the app and reconfigured a few things to make it easier to navigate and find what you’re looking for.
Quick Start Rulesets
Rulesets (how/when/where a Digioh box appears on your website) can take some time to build and we know you’re busy. So in addition to our quick start templates, we built quick start rulesets to help you get those templates off the ground! Feel free to use these rulesets on our quick start templates (they’re already applied there) or add them to existing templates you build.
Make Your OWN Rulesets
In addition to the quick start rulesets, you now have the ability to make your own rulesets right inside the rulesets themselves. Not only is Digioh incredibly customizable, it’s easier to navigate every day!
Activity Tracking & Review
Want to know who made what changes to your various forms and quizzes in Digioh? Need to see who built a ruleset? Or who connected an integration? You can now do that in the Activity Log in your profile.
New Campaigns
Full-screen pop-ups for desktop, tablet & mobile
Full screen pop-ups have been widely requested and we know they’re a powerful marketing tool - so we built them for you! You now have the ability to leverage full screen takeovers for things like important announcements, targeting high intent customers before they leave, or even soft age gating.
Zero-Party Data capture welcome pop-ups
Collecting email and phone number is table stakes in ecommerce marketing these days. With Digioh you can add more zero-party data points to that same email opt in form and use that data to better connect with your customers.
Sticky Banners
With a sticky banner, you can keep your messages front and center for your website visitors. For example, a unique visitor closes out a welcome pop-up, or only submits their email but not their phone number, a sticky footer stays in the browser across all pages with a strong CTA to encourage their next step.
New Core Features
Digioh Results Pages
Our Digioh native quiz results pages got multiple enhancements to get your quiz up and running even faster:
- You can now use our native quiz results pages across ANY kind of site: ecommerce, publishing, travel website, etc.
- Digioh results pages now leverage your native domain, not a Digioh-provided domain
- Digioh results pages now support:
- 1-Click Add to Cart
- Formatted CSS (recommendation layouts, customization, load time)
- 100% device responsive
New integrations navigation
We wanted to help eliminate confusion between new and existing integrations, and let you track your integration metrics with ease!
You can now use our native OAuth integration to configure your Digioh Owned Identification connection with Klaviyo.
With this update, you can now also easily ingest segment data from Klaviyo AND profile attribute data from Klaviyo to use as:
- Targeting conditions for onsite campaigns
- Dynamic personalization in onsite campaigns
Custom product feeds can now connect to Digioh using Shopify metafields! Leverage more customization in your quiz branching and desired recommendations using your native metafields in Digioh from Shopify. Ask your CSM or Support rep for more info to enable this feature!
Digioh now supports targeting (and anti-targeting) of box displays to known Iterable User’s Profile Fields (attributes) and/or list membership. After you have installed the app and configured your account metadata, Iterable targeting rules are available in your box conditions.
Google Analytics
You now get faster single-sign on and permissioning on your GA4 connection with Digioh. This enables all custom events to be configured automatically and reporting to be seen from day one!
And one more big announcement:
You can now build your own dashboards in Digioh! We offer an endless list of tiles and details you can add to your dashboards. If you can measure it with GA4, you can build a dashboard of it in Digioh! Read more here.