
How Guided Selling Can Guide Your Jewelry Marketing Strategy

October 17, 2023
Rene Emery

Is guided selling the missing link in your jewelry marketing strategy? Quizzes can lift CVR by 197% and deliver the ultimate personalized shopping experience.

Guided selling may be the missing puzzle piece in your jewelry marketing strategy.

Plumb Club surveyed 2,000 people and guess what they found? 62% purchased at least one jewelry piece online in the last year.

Shoppers are more comfortable with the idea of buying jewelry online, but they’re still missing those face-to-face recommendations you get shopping at a brick-and-mortar business.

Guided selling through eCommerce quizzes can help provide a personalized shopping experience. But it can also guide your marketing strategy, thanks to the zero-party data you collect along the way, by:

  1. Helping customers who don’t know the first thing about jewelry sizing (for the most part)
  2. Improving the customer experience by guiding it strategically with the data you collect
  3. Increasing brand loyalty


Because ultimately, quizzes help you learn about your customers—and ensure you target the right people with personalized messages.

How Quizzes Can Guide Your Jewelry Marketing Strategies

Quizzes can help guide your marketing strategies by connecting you with the right people.

You may think you know who your customers are, but your quiz results may surprise you. And that information might just change your entire marketing strategy.

Digioh customer Jaxxon faced this very scenario. They launched a quiz to help customers find their perfect chain, and they learned something they didn’t expect: 80% of visitors were actually men buying for themselves.

guided selling quiz for jewelry ecommerce site
Jaxxon's jewelry quiz provides a guided selling experience to customers, no matter who they're buying for.

Information like this can be game-changing. Imagine gearing your entire marketing strategy towards shoppers buying gifts for loved ones only to find that most of your customers are buying jewelry for themselves.

Immediately, you can change your messaging and start appealing to your actual customers. Your ad or email copy would shift from “Give him the perfect gift” to “Treat yourself.” 

The quiz questions you ask can provide other valuable data to guide you.

For example:

  • Are you looking for Men’s or Women’s styles? Answers to this question will help you target the right demographics in your marketing. 
  • What style do you like? If you know that most shoppers prefer a certain style, you can feature it more prominently in your creative. 
  • What metals/materials do you like? If most quiz takers prefer gold, you can shift your merchandising/buying to offer more gold options.

Less than half of marketers know their audience’s shopping habits, but you don’t have to be one of them. A quiz is a simple way to learn who your customers are shopping for and other information that steers your marketing in the right direction.

How Guided Selling Creates a More Personalized Experience

Quizzes can do more than just guide your marketing strategy – they can also help you personalize your messages.

And that can lead to a big increase in revenue for your brand.

People are 40% more likely to spend more than they planned if their shopping experience is highly personalized.

Quizzes provide that ultra-personalized experience that shoppers crave. All they have to do is answer a few questions, and their quiz results will show products that match their unique preferences.

Personalization doesn’t have to stop there. You can also:

  • Segment your email list based on quiz answers for personalized messaging.
  • Retarget quiz takers with ads that match their preferences.
  • Offer dynamic coupon codes for products they’ll love.

Quizzes provide personalization that can drive sales and help you collect data, but that’s just the start of their benefits.

More Benefits of Quizzes in a Jewelry Marketing Strategy

Online sales account for 5% - 10% of all jewelry sales. Why isn’t this figure higher? Consumers want to see pieces in person, try them on, and browse through selections.

Quizzes can start to chip away at purchase hesitancy by creating a customer experience that is similar to working with an in-store expert.

Jaxxon’s 1 million customers since 2018 show that with the right marketing strategy and data-centric approach, it’s possible to enter the industry and make a splash. 

The secret? 

Consumer-consented data, starting with powerful quizzes that ask potential customers all the right questions. With expert questions and insights in place, you can gather data, build customer profiles and personalize results pages to drive exceptional sales.

CVR Lift

Conversion rate improvements are the fastest way to improve revenue because you’re converting potential buyers who weren’t ready to click “buy.” You can improve conversions with quizzes, boosting CVR drastically in the process.

For example:

  • 5% of quiz takers for Jaxxon turn into sales
  • 197% CVR lift followed

Higher CVR - especially at this level - means that your jewelry marketing strategy is working, higher revenues are flowing in, and the return on investment is greater.

Better Customer Experience - Like Having an In-Store Consultation

60%+ of consumers will pay 5% or higher prices when a brand offers an unforgettable experience.

Online jewelry merchants are often at a disadvantage because they don’t have a jeweler available to help shoppers choose the right item, compare pieces, or size items properly.

product recommendation quiz for an ecommerce site that sells bracelets
Guided selling quizzes can help jewelry merchants match customers with the perfect item for their style.

Product quizzes are your cheat code to offer an experience similar to an in-store consultation.


Your product quiz will:

  • Act as an icebreaker to build a strong relationship with your customers
  • Ask questions that allow you to personalize the shopping experience
  • Provide data to recommend perfect items in the right size

Quizzes help your brand pinpoint customer needs and pain points when selecting jewelry. You can hold the customer’s hand throughout the buyer journey and nudge them to purchase the right products with the data and results of the quiz they take.

Improved Demand Forecasting

Data improves sales and can skyrocket conversion rates, but it can also help with demand forecasting. You may find that 60% of quiz takers prefer white gold bracelets, indicating that these items are in demand and

When surveyed, 56% of online shoppers said they couldn’t purchase items they wanted online because they were out of stock.

Consumer disappointment rises when items are out of stock. But when you can forecast demand using zero-party data, you can stock up on items that are likely to sell faster than expected.

And if a product does sell out, you can also use your quiz to:

  • Gather consumer contact data and ask them to sign up for back-in-stock notifications
  • Recommend other items to the person that may be in stock

Demand forecasting prepares your brand to better serve customers and sell more products at the same time. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Guided selling helps jewelry stores sell more goods, lifts CVR, and does it all by improving the buyer’s journey. You can guide your potential customers through your sales funnel by showing them products that best suit their needs based on just a handful of quiz questions. 

Rene Emery
Contributing Writer
Emery is a B2B/Finance/SaaS writer who focuses on clear, concise, and optimized content. Leveraging 12+ years of experience, she relies on her work with hundreds of companies worldwide to create content that speaks to readers and makes difficult topics easy to understand.

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