
Complete Your Supplements Marketing Strategy With Guided Shopping Experiences

October 2, 2023
Rene Emery

Want to improve the customer experience AND increase your revenue? Unlock the power of quizzes for supplements brands.

Your supplements marketing strategy has the potential to reach 57.6% of adults over the age of 20 every month. That’s huge! Over 60% of women and 50% of men take supplements. But while some will keep buying their favorite supplements, others will quit after just a few weeks.

Holding onto those repeat customers is crucial. After all, attracting new customers costs 4 - 5 times more than retaining an existing customer.

Wouldn’t it be nice to increase your average lifetime value and monthly recurring revenue by better catering to every shopper’s needs? And by meeting those needs, keep them around?

Digioh customers have achieved exceptional results:

  • Conversion rates of 14.8%
  • Conversion rate lifts of 469%
  • $91,821 in revenue in 31 days

How? A product recommendation quiz.

We’ll show you how you can turn visitors into customers who sign up for a monthly subscription and rely on your brand for their supplement needs (today and in the future).

But before we begin, we’re going to use a few abbreviations that can get confusing if you don’t know what they mean:

  • Conversion rate (CVR)
  • Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Lifetime Value (LTV)
  • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

Let’s start with a proven way to increase your vitamin or supplement store’s MRR.

Boost LTV and MRR with Supplement Subscriptions

LTV and MRR are two metrics we love tracking.

You’ve spent a lot of resources on segmenting leads, targeting ideal customers, and converting them to sales. Don’t let this hard work slip through the cracks.

Create an online quiz that includes subscription options. An estimated 70% of business leaders believe subscriptions will be an important part of their operations.

Supplements are perfect for the subscription model. Think about it. Supplements take time to work and can help customers over the long term. Subscriptions ensure they don’t run out of their supplements and can continue working on their best selves. They sell themselves.

And with subscriptions, you can capture recurring revenue that may otherwise be lost.

Let’s look at some examples of personalized product recommendations that integrate subscriptions perfectly into their quiz responses.

Moon Juice

subscription option present in a product recommendation quiz used for supplement marketing

Moon Juice knows that existing and potential customers spend a lot of time going through their customer journey and are willing to pay for great products every month.

Notice a few things on Moon Juice's quiz results page:

With Digioh's subscription software integrations, quiz takers don’t even need to leave the product recommendation page to sign up for subscriptions. It’s the perfect way to boost LTV and MRR because your supplements are something people will keep buying.


bonafide shows supplement subscription options in their quia results page

Bonafide provides savings on products for shoppers who subscribe to a monthly or three-month plan. A single-month subscription is $16 cheaper, and the three-month plan brings the price down an additional $4.

If your customers intend to continue buying your products, why not add subscriptions to your marketing strategy?

Monthly recurring revenue will help your brand:

  • Maintain steady cash flow
  • Increase revenue
  • Better meet customer needs

Vitamins and supplements can change a person’s health for the better. Offer your customers products tailored to their needs – determined through your product quiz – and provide a discount for signing up for a monthly subscription.

You’ll enjoy higher revenue, and the customer will save money. It’s a win-win for everyone.

But what if your quiz questions find that a customer would benefit from more than one product? This is the perfect opportunity to boost your AOV.

Increase AOV with Bundles, Add-Ons, and Upsells

Quizzes can do more than just recommend a single product to customers. They can also recommend bundles, add-ons, and upsells that skyrocket your AOV.

In fact, upselling alone can boost revenue by 10-30% on average.

Supplement Bundles

Customers love supplement bundles.


Think about why people buy supplements. They want to:

  • Support their mental and physical health
  • Look and feel younger
  • Address vitamin deficiencies

The more products that support these outcomes, the better – right?

If you have complimentary products, offer them in bundles.

With a quiz, you can offer personalized bundles based on customer needs. Say a shopper is concerned about their digestive health. Offer a Gut Health Bundle that includes:

  • Prebiotic fiber to improve digestive function
  • Probiotics to boost good bacteria
  • Digestive enzymes to help with nutrient absorption

If your gut is giving you trouble, you want all the help you can get, and a product bundle like this is really enticing. Chances are, shoppers will add all three products without batting an eye.

And with the snap of a finger, their order value has soared.

Bundles are a great way to boost AOV, but what if they aren’t your thing? Quizzes can boost AOV in other awesome ways, like through add-ons and upsells.

Add-ons and Upsells

Add-ons and upsells are different from bundles.  

  • Bundles are complementary products that work together
  • Add-ons and upsells are other products customers may also like.

If you recommend a probiotic, customers may also like superfood supplements or weight management products. Because they’re already interested in these products, they’re more likely to buy them – along with your recommended product.

Add-ons can also include things like subscriptions.

Moon Juice offers add-ons in their quiz results:

Moon juice shows add-ons and upsells in their supplement marketing on their site
Not only does Moon Juice show add-ons, but they also allow shoppers to easly subscribe to these add-ons.

With Digioh, you can add upsells and add-ons to your quiz results page, making it easy for customers to add more products to their orders.

But your quiz results page isn’t the only place you can display upsells and add-ons. You can also add them to:

  • Product pages under a “frequently purchased with” section
  • Cart Pages to encourage last-minute impulse purchases 
  • Post checkout emails – and include coupons to sweeten the deal

You can even display add-ons and upsells to dynamic pop-ups or sidebars for things like reaching your Free Shipping threshold: 

free shipping threshold on a shopping cart page
The dynamic pop-up on the right side of the checkout page invites shoppers to add additional items to their cart to reach the free shipping threshold.

Add-ons, upsells and bundles are proven ways to boost AOV, and quizzes can help take advantage of all three opportunities.

But you’re still missing one crucial piece of the puzzle: social proof.

Great news – a quiz can help with that, too!

Build Trust with Social Proof and Reviews

More than 99.9% of customers read reviews when they shop online. And nearly half believe reviews are as trustworthy as personal recommendations from friends and family.

Customers need social proof. They want reassurance that your product is exactly what they need.

Reviews and testimonials give them that reassurance. They build trust, but they also boost CVR – especially for high-priced items.

Think about it – would you spend your hard-earned money on an expensive supplement if it didn’t have a single review? Probably not.

Your customers have the same mindset. And that’s why it’s so important to display reviews on individual product pages and PLPs.

But what do reviews and testimonials have to do with quizzes?

With a product recommendation quiz builder like Digioh, you can add reviews right to your quiz results page. 

Quiz takers find the perfect product and get the social proof they need to sway their decision. It’s a win-win for everyone.

And when your quiz recommends product bundles, you can also boost your AOV just by adding reviews to the page. 

Bonafide displays reviews in their quiz results:

Bonafide provides social proof on their quiz result pages in the form of reviews, making it more likely that shoppers trust their recommendations.

Guided Shopping Experiences: Happy Customers, Healthy Profits

Once a lead enters your quiz funnel, you can take them on a powerful guided shopping experience that helps them discover the supplements they never knew they needed. 


Imagine that you need a woman’s daily vitamin. As you go through this guided shopping experience, a quiz question asks, “Do you suffer from bloat?”

As it turns out, you do suffer from bloat – but you weren’t even thinking about that when you started looking for a daily vitamin.

Through this experience, you’ve now found a great daily vitamin and a gut health supplement to kick that bloat to the curb. The seller has increased their AOV, and you’re a happy buyer.

You might even recommend the store to a friend.

This is the same guided shopping experience that Digioh-powered quiz results pages can offer your customers. But there’s more:

  • You can recommend high-profit margin products through product prioritization or products with higher subscription / re-buy rates.
  • Subscriptions can be added to the results, allowing customers to have a seamless way to subscribe and receive supplements each month.
  • Quiz result emails can reduce cart abandonment (a major driver of lost revenue) to boost CVR, LVT and MMR.
  • You can gather zero-party data to improve segmentation, personalization, and targeting.

We’ve found that walking customers through a guided shopping experience with quizzes makes them 4.9x more likely to make a purchase.

That’s the power of strong product recommendation quizzes.

P.S. Ready to create your supplement quiz? Keep reading for some sample questions to add to your quiz.

Bonus: 6 Supplement Quiz Questions to Add to Your Quiz

1. What is your gender?

  • Male
  • Female
  • Prefer not to say

2. What is your age group?

  • Under 18
  • 18-30
  • 31-45
  • 46-60
  • 61 and above

3. Do you have any specific dietary restrictions or preferences?

  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan
  • Gluten-free
  • None

4. Please select any health goals or concerns that apply to you. (Select all that apply)

  • Osteoporosis prevention
  • Arthritis/joint health
  • Healthy skin and hair
  • Gut health
  • Weight loss
  • Muscle building
  • Testosterone boost (for men)
  • Immune system support
  • Stress reduction
  • Memory improvement
  • Brain fog reduction
  • Joint pain relief
  • Wound healing

5. How would you describe your activity level?

  • Sedentary (little to no physical activity)
  • Moderately active (light exercise a few times a week)
  • Very active (regular exercise and physical activity)

6. How would you prefer to receive information about your recommended products?

  • Email
  • Text message
Rene Emery
Contributing Writer
Emery is a B2B/Finance/SaaS writer who focuses on clear, concise, and optimized content. Leveraging 12+ years of experience, she relies on her work with hundreds of companies worldwide to create content that speaks to readers and makes difficult topics easy to understand.

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