
Quiz Funnels: 8 Ways to Add Quizzes to Your Marketing Strategy

September 27, 2023
Melanie Angel

From product recommendations to paid ads, here are 8 ideas for using quiz funnel marketing to generate more leads and capture zero-party data.

According to DemandGen, interactive content is 2x more engaging than static content.

Fortunately, interactivity doesn’t have to involve complex immersive experiences or bank-breaking technology. Interactive content can be as simple as asking your site visitors a few questions.

lead generation quiz funnel example
This quiz helps a real estate site capture more leads and data with an interactive experience.

That’s why quizzes are such a powerful marketing tool. Not only do you get visitors involved and engaged, but you can also generate more leads. Then, with the zero-party data gathered from quizzes, you market to those leads more effectively.

marketing quiz example for a luggage ecommerce site
This example quiz provides shoppers with personalized luggage recommendations. It's a one-way ticket to more conversions!

If you’re looking to introduce quizzes into your marketing plans, you’re in the right place. Here are a few examples of quizzes and the benefits you can expect from them.

1) Test visitors with a lead quiz that captures emails.

From quiz shows on TV to trivia board games, people love showing what they know through quizzes. That makes quiz funnels a great way to get new site visitors involved right away. Once these visitors engage with your quiz, you can convert them into email subscribers.

These types of lead capture quizzes can work for nearly any industry. For instance, nonprofits & advocacy groups can quiz visitors on issues before inviting them to sign up to stay informed.

shark trivia pop-up quiz funnel
Sink your teeth into this: here's a pop-up quiz that puts visitor knowledge of sharks to the test.

If you have a media & publishing site, you can test knowledge of industry news or current events, then ask quiz takers if they want to stay up-to-date by subscribing to your newsletter.

To maximize your lead capture success, make sure your site visitors see your quiz! Use a pop-up teaser to promote quizzes to your new site visitors, and you can turn trivia questions into a non-trivial increase in email signups.

2) Add an interactive calculator to your website.

You can also go beyond simple trivia questions to give quiz takers an actionable score.

For example, financial sites often feature savings calculators to help customers achieve retirement goals.

eCommerce sites with health & wellness products may quiz visitors on health issues or score their health habits, like the example quiz below.

health score quiz funnel example

Or, if you sell an online course, you can show a preview of what students can expect to learn, then score them on their current knowledge.

3) Create a preference quiz to capture data for personalized marketing.

According to Salesforce, 57% of shoppers are willing to share data in exchange for personalized offers. By adding a quick quiz to your email signup forms or SMS opt-in pop-ups, you can collect important zero-party data about your new subscribers.

This simple pop-up captures data about style preferences.

Once captured, make sure you put this data to use! With preference data, you can:

  • Segment users into different email or SMS lists to send them more targeted content.
  • Use dynamic content to personalize your emails with recommendations and other content based on declared preferences.
  • Show personalized CTAs on your site to increase chances of conversion.

Let’s say your site sells mattresses. With a preference quiz, you can allow visitors to tell you whether they sleep on their back, side, or stomach. If a user indicates that they sleep on their side, you can use that information to send relevant promotions or personalize their onsite experience with a targeted banner:

personalized website banner for ecommerce
Using preference quiz data, you can connect your website visitors with the perfect deal.

As long as you use preference data to provide value, visitors can rest easy about parting with this data.

4) Convert shoppers with product recommendation quizzes.

Product recommendation quizzes are an eCommerce triple threat: they can increase email signups, collect user preferences, and use those preferences to drive sales with an engaging experience.

These quizzes convert both email subscribers and customers by providing value through personalized recommendations.

product recommendation quiz for wrist watches
This product recommendation quiz can connect visitors with their perfect watch in no time.

Instead of having to comb through your site to find a product and purchase blindly, shoppers can be more certain that they’re making the right choice. For instance, skiwear brand Turtlefur asks shoppers about their ski style and preferences before recommending the right headwear for their needs.

turtlefur quiz funnel example

This makes shoppers more likely to purchase, especially if you sweeten the deal by including a coupon code with their results.

This quiz includes a dynamic field for a one-time-use coupon code. Each visitor sees a unique code, preventing codes from being shared with people who don't take the quiz.

And if they don’t buy right away? You have their email address and preference data, allowing you to nudge them towards the purchase with personalized communication.

There are plenty of apps that make it easy to add a quiz to your Shopify store, or whatever eCommerce platform you use. If you want to create a product quiz for your site, check out our “How to Build an eCommerce Product Quiz” guide.

5) Welcome new visitors with a conversational form.

Even a well-designed site may require visitors to do a bit of digging to find what they need. Unfortunately, many visitors may not have the patience. People expect to find what they need right away, and if they don’t, they’ll simply go elsewhere.

With a marketing quiz, you can engage new visitors immediately, ensuring they see the right content quickly. The quiz below is a type of conversational form, which asks visitors one or more short questions before redirecting them to the right page.

example of a conversational form quiz
Show first-time visitors a conversational form to help them find the page they need.

This example pop-up quiz for a medical site collects data about the visitor’s profession to point them to the right email content, but you can just as easily configure the last page of the pop-up quiz to show a CTA that directs them to the right landing pages.

multi-step quiz example
Asking new visitors a couple of questions can help you point them towards the content they need.

These quizzes do more than provide a better user experience. By helping visitors find the content they want, you can improve your site’s bounce rates, sending a good signal to Google and potentially helping your search rankings as well.

6) Prequalify visitors with a lead quiz.

Quizzes aren’t just for B2C brands; B2B sites can join in on the fun too! Sure, maybe a sales quiz isn’t quite as fun as a shoppable product quiz, but your sales team might appreciate them!

lead gen quiz example for legal services
Legal services company Nathan Trust captures new leads with a quiz funnel that guides visitors through estate planning.

Instead of collecting demo request information in a single long form, use a multi-step form to capture lead data progressively. This data can inform your sales outreach, help you tailor your product demos to prospect needs, or even just point visitors towards the right content.

With Digioh, you can capture this quiz data, then embed a Calendly widget into the last page of your form to schedule a demo right away.

7) Improve ROAS with quiz funnels in paid ads.

If you run paid advertising, your eye is on that return on ad spend (ROAS) number.

Whatever kind of quiz you create, take advantage of their high performance by adding them to a paid advertising campaign. Promoting a quiz in an ad CTA is a great way to get people to click, while engaging them with an interactive quiz makes it more likely that they will convert.

For instance, if you have a product recommendation quiz or gift finder quiz, create an ad image that invites users to discover what items fit their tastes (or the tastes of their gift recipients).

facebook ad example for product recommendation quizzes
This Facebook ad promotes an engaging furniture recommendation quiz.

Instead of simply showing them a few products, quizzes ensure that the products you show them are on point:

Even better, quizzes are more shareable than static content, potentially helping you squeeze even more value from a social or paid search campaign. By tapping into the curiosity of users scrolling their social media feed, you might just convert a few new customers!

And the benefits to your performance marketing program don't end once a visitor takes the quiz. If a visitor takes a quiz and abandons your site before making a purchase, you can retarget them across ad platforms with ad creative that promotes their recommended product.

retargeting quiz takers with their recommended product on YouTube
If your quiz recommends a particular watch, you can retarget quiz takers with their perfect watch across Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and other ad networks.

And don't forget about using quiz data for email segmentation! Andie Swim personalized their automate email campaigns with quiz data, leading to a 55% jump in YoY email revenue!

8. Point new visitors to the right place with a mini-quiz.

Like an in-store employee, quizzes are a great way to greet new visitors by pointing them to the right part of your online store.

But you don’t need to write a long list of questions. All it takes is one.

Brands like Haven use mini-quizzes to quickly learn what categories shoppers are interested in, then immediately point them to the right product listing page, perfectly filtered according to their quiz responses.

haven backpack mini-quiz funnel
Haven's mini-quiz allows shoppers to select what types of products they want to browse, then shows a product listing page with those exact types of products.

In just seconds, shoppers can see exactly what they’re looking for, improving their experience and getting them one step closer to conversion.

Fill your funnel with marketing quizzes.

Whether you have an eCommerce site or a SaaS product, quizzes can help you capture leads, grow your list, and drive sales.

Of course, building a quiz can be easier said than done. Many quiz solutions offer easy-to-use quiz capabilities, but drafting the quiz, implementing the logic, and integrating it with your stack can still take time.

That’s why Digioh helps new customers design, build, and launch their first quiz. We’ll consult with you to ensure your quiz is on-brand, seamlessly integrated with your ESP or other martech, and engineered for success.

ecommerce marketing quiz funnel example
Digioh provides quiz templates, like this jacket recommendation quiz theme, to help you launch new marketing quizzes quickly. Our designers can also work with you to create an on-brand quiz template for you!

Take a look at the examples of product recommendation quizzes our clients have launched, or tour our quiz funnel software to see how quizzes can take your conversions to the next level!

Melanie Angel
Marketing Manager
Melanie is a marketing manager at Digioh. When she's not doing the B2B SaaS marketing thing, you can probably find her watching soccer, playing skeeball, or seeing a show. She lives in Austin, TX, with her 0 pets and 1 guitar.

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