
Branded Quizzes Done Right: Creating a Custom Product Recommendation Quiz

September 8, 2023
Rene Emery

Discover how to create a custom product recommendation quiz totally tailored to your brand.

Creating an on-brand custom product recommendation quiz is challenging.

To be successful, a custom quiz must exude everything that makes your brand stand out. Your quiz must be brand-consistent and adhere to zero-party data best practices.

We’re going to show you the steps our team takes to create quizzes that are on-brand and touch on all of these points and more.

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Focus on Brand Consistency and Recognition

Your quiz must be on-brand. It should be easy to recognize that your quiz belongs to your brand. Here are a few integral ways to meet this goal:

Branded Colors

The 2021 Brand Consistency Report found that 85% of companies already have brand guidelines, yet only 30% follow them. Consistent branding alone can increase revenue by up to 20%.

Envision users filling out your quiz. What do you want them to see? We recently created a question quiz to help our customers ask the right questions on their quizzes. Our design team made sure that everything was on-brand, starting with brand colors.

brand color palette
Example of brand colors from a brand guide.

Make to use the colors in your brand guidelines, including those in your:

  • Logo
  • Packaging
  • Website

Custom Fonts

Using custom fonts can help you embrace your branding even further. Typography plays a big role in setting the tone for your brand. Updating your copy to use your brand’s custom fonts gives it an instant makeover and ensures brand recognition.

example of a plain quiz versus a branded custom quiz
The difference between on-brand fonts (left) and generic typography is night and day.

Digioh grants you complete control over the fonts you use, including the option to use:

  • Custom fonts
  • Adobe fonts
  • CSS fonts

We have extensive guides on how to add these fonts for yourself. Read through our custom font or Adobe font guide.

Reference Your Website’s Style Guide

As we mentioned, most brands have a guide outlining things like brand colors, typography, and logo usage, but when designing for web experience you need to get more granular. That means noting things like link colors, button styles, border radiuses, progress bars—any element that appears on your website should have a consistent look and feel.

Bonus points if you know all of the CSS styles for your text elements, forms, buttons, images, etc. You can match those styles to every element in your quiz to match your website exactly. 

Create Mockups

Not sure if your quiz is on-brand? Creating mockups before building the quiz helps make sure your design a quiz aligns with your brand and resonates with your audience. 

You can create mockups using tools like:

  • Figma
  • Adobe XD
  • Photoshop
custom quiz mockup created in figma
Example of a quiz mockup in Figma.

Following your brand’s style guide and adding custom fonts to your custom product recommendation quiz will also help you do one more thing: build trust.

Build Trust

A recent survey found that 46% of consumers will spend more when buying from a brand they trust. Your quiz is a chance to collect zero-party data in a way that builds trust with shoppers. We recommend that you do the following:

  • Create a quiz that matches your brand style and website. Customers are TRUSTING you with their data. If your quiz isn’t on-brand, shoppers may abandon their journey.
  • Host the quiz on a subdomain or open it in a new window. We recommend a seamless integration, which is so important that the entire next section will cover this in greater detail.
  • Compliance and security must be met when collecting data from your customers. You’ll want to follow GDPR and CCPA guidelines, encrypt data, and delete it if requested.

You should follow our best practices for collecting zero-party data to ensure you do everything you can to build trust with your quiz.

Consumers should feel confident supplying you with their information when filling out your quiz or shopping on your site.

Seamlessly Integrate with Your Website

Branded quizzes look and feel like they are part of your brand’s website, and that’s because they are. Visitors can take your quiz and get their results without ever having to leave your site. 

Rather than interrupting the user experience, they enhance it.

With a branded quiz, you’re in complete control of the:

  • Placement
  • User experience

And when you use Digioh to create your branded quiz, you can:

  • Embed your quiz (recommended), OR
  • Display it as a popup (if you have a special use case for it)

Embedding your quiz creates a more seamless experience. Create a landing page for your quiz, or place it at the top of your product listing page.

Both options have benefits.

When you create a special landing page for your quiz, you can easily track its performance and boost engagement. But landing pages also make it easier to share your quiz on Facebook, Instagram, and other mobile apps. 

example of quiz on mobile

And here’s the great news—Digioh quizzes are already optimized for apps and mobile devices. 

Landing pages are great, but they’re not the only option for embedding your quiz. Placing your quiz at the top of your product listing page can help shoppers find exactly what they need without contacting customer support.

Here’s a great example of how PartyMachines uses its quiz on their product listings page:

embedded quiz

We recommend an embedded quiz because they’re easy to share and give you the most design flexibility. 

But there are some cases where it’s beneficial to put your quiz inside of a pop-up, like on a product page. Here’s a great example of how The Hair Shop takes this approach:

pop-up product recommendation quiz

Their pop-up quiz does more than just recommend products—it helps shoppers find the perfect color swatch to match their hair color. It does all of this while keeping the shopper on the product page, and most importantly, it answers the shopper’s question right when they’re asking it.

Whether you embed your quiz or place it in a pop-up, custom branding ensures a consistent experience for shoppers. Not only does this help strengthen your brand’s identity, but it also helps shoppers feel comfortable taking the next step of making a purchase.

Awesome Branded Quizzes that Demonstrate a Strong Brand Voice

We’ve discussed the power of branded quizzes and how they can help build a strong brand and trust. But seeing is believing.

Here are some great examples of branded quizzes in action. Notice how each one uses on-brand colors, fonts, images, illustrations, and icons. With Digioh, you can incorporate your style into every step.

andie fit finder quiz for swimsuits
Andie is known for its stylish swimsuits, and their quiz matches their vibe.

agave lux liquor quiz
AgaveLux takes a minimalist approach to their quiz design, which aligns with their brand’s luxe feel. 

arizona tea quiz
AriZona is known for its fun style, and its quiz colors embody the brand’s personality.

health-ade kombucha quiz
Health-Ade uses the same refreshing icons, buttons, and imagery found on the rest of their site. 

hey milestone infant care quiz
Hey Milestone places their quiz in a pop-up that matches their brand’s style and tone.

streetstrider quiz with health and fitness goals question
StreetStrider incorporates their brand’s icons into their quiz to create a seamless user experience. 

willow pump quiz
Willow’s colorful illustrations and casual tone resonate with their shoppers.

Want more inspiration? See more quiz examples from Digioh.

Start Creating Your Branded Quiz Today

Branded quizzes empower you to collect zero-party data and refine your customer offers while providing a seamless brand experience. At Digioh, we can help you build a custom product recommendation quiz using tactics that have been successful for the brands above and more.

Request a demo to learn more about our quiz wizard and how we can help you implement branded quizzes for your brand.

Rene Emery
Contributing Writer
Emery is a B2B/Finance/SaaS writer who focuses on clear, concise, and optimized content. Leveraging 12+ years of experience, she relies on her work with hundreds of companies worldwide to create content that speaks to readers and makes difficult topics easy to understand.

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