
Find Your Fit: Strategies for Creating a High-Performing Fit Finder Quiz for Swimwear + Intimates

October 6, 2023
Rene Emery

Discover how a fit finder quiz can skyrocket your conversions, and get the best practices for creating a high-performing quiz.

Online clothes shopping accounts for 23% of all online retail sales. Many stores have sizing charts (super confusing), but you never know if the item will fit properly or not. Statistically, 18% of people say that the clothes they buy online “rather often” don’t fit, and 8% say “very often” items don’t fit.

If you’re ordering intimates, swimwear, bras, or custom apparel, improper sizing can make these items look less than flattering.

Women, you know how hard it is to find swimwear that fits just right - even in person.

So, how can brands reduce returns? With a fit finder quiz! 

A fast, simple quiz will reassure buyers that when they checkout, the apparel that ends up on their doorstep fits well (or it should).

Why You Need a Fit Finder Quiz (Or to Improve The One You Already Have)

Online shopping is almost perfect. Consumers have millions of options. They can compare products and pricing, all without leaving the house. But there’s one thing holding buyers back: they can’t try things on

Use this pain point and transform the landscape for your consumers, especially for swimsuits or intimate apparel, with a fit finder quiz!

Andie is a prime example of how to create a fit finder quiz, generating $3 million in sales and 55% YoY growth in revenue from email flows.

cta for a customer story where digioh helped andie drive 77k email revenue in 8 months and 55 percent year over year growth in email revenue

But why would a quiz help your intimates or swimwear marketing strategy?

Shoppers Need Them

Size guides don’t cut it. They’re confusing, and that’s part of the reason why 80% of women are wearing the wrong bra size. No one ever taught them how to take proper bra measurements - or any clothing measurements

Size guides might not help – but a bra fit finder quiz will.

example of a bra fit finder quiz
Fit is more than just size—Bleuet asks questions about favorite features and more.

Shoppers may know their general size, but when a quiz helps them find the perfect fit and look their best, brands can turn a one-time purchase into a repeat buyer. 

In fact, people who take quizzes are nearly five times more likely to convert into customers.

They Reduce Returns/Exchanges

Returns cost retailers $816 billion in lost sales in 2022 - and sizing was a big part of the problem. An estimated 50% of shoppers return clothes they buy online because they’re the wrong size.

But intimates are an exception. You can’t really return them. After all, would you want to wear these items after someone else tried them on?

Here’s the catch-22:

  • Don’t offer returns or exchanges? You’ll lose sales.
  • Offer returns and exchanges? You’ll lose revenue.

What’s the best solution? Reducing returns by helping shoppers find the right size. 

The zero-party data you collect from your quiz can help you recommend sizes that fit the shopper perfectly. 

They Give Your Support Team a Much-Needed Breather

Support is a crucial metric in any marketing strategy. A single bad customer experience is enough to make 61% of customers switch brands. 

Quizzes provide a positive customer experience and give your support team a breather by reducing calls and emails about sizing questions.

What can your team do with this additional time?

Offer the in-depth support that 88% of customers state is as important as the products being sold.

That way, your support team is happier, your customers are happier, and less revenue is lost from returns. 

They Help Your Grow Your Email and SMS List

Email list growth of 2.5% is a good target for most brands – but what if you could skyrocket your growth with a fit finder quiz? 

Andie added 98k new email subscribers in just 8 months from their quiz.

andie fit finder quiz with email capture page
Andie's fit finder quiz shows an optional email capture page to collect email addresses from shoppers who take their fit finder quiz, allowing them to send quiz results via email.

You can also capture mobile opt-ins for SMS marketing, which opens up an even deeper channel of communication with your audience.

The stats don’t lie: you should be growing your list:

  • 41.5% of brands believe email marketing is crucial to their success
  • For every dollar spent on email marketing, retailers average a $45 ROI

Quizzes can help you grow your email or SMS list organically because shoppers will be happy to subscribe when they know your quiz will improve their fit.

They Help You Make Better Recommendations and Build Stronger Relationships with Customers

Did you know that 71% of customers expect personalized interactions with brands – and 76% get frustrated when they don’t get them? 

Recommendations build relationships, personalize the experience, AND drive revenue.

In just 8 months, Andie’s added $70k+ revenue from recommendation emails.


  • They sent email reminders with recommendations via SMS and email
  • They launched retargeting campaigns on social media and Google Ads based on the customer data collected
  • They alerted customers when new products arrived in their size

Along with the strategies above, you can also use your quiz data to track trends in sizes. You may find that 80% of quiz takers wear a medium one-piece and choose a large size. Use this data to stay stocked up on items in these sizes and recommend new items in these sizes to this demographic.

Showing your customers this level of personalization will help you build deeper, more intimate relationships with them.

Whew, that’s a lot to digest.

With all of this in mind, it’s time to learn how to create a fit finder quiz that resonates with your ideal customer, drives sales, and increases retention.

How to Create the Ultimate Fit Finder Quiz

Creating the perfect fit finder quiz takes a bit of finesse, good copy, and a lot of experience with:

  1. Customer pain points
  2. Fit requirements
  3. How your brand’s apparel fits

With these points in mind, let’s move to the first step you must take to create a quiz that drives sales and increases customer satisfaction and retention.

First: Consult Your Fit Experts

Andie did an amazing job with their fit finder quiz because their experts worked diligently to understand their customers. Check out their copy below:

andie fit finder quiz copy
Andie’s Fit Experts know that every body deserves the perfect fit for every occasion, so they added these pain points to their quiz.

Consulting with fit experts is the key to creating a killer quiz with results that drive sales, but how do you become an expert?

  1. Extensive product testing: Experts know the ins and outs of products. Rigorous testing on the product, including wash, wear, and stretch tests, will help you learn the material and its weaknesses and strengths.
  2. Customer feedback: Focus on your customer feedback. Review sizing feedback, such as “true to size,” and reach out to those that said “runs small” or “runs large.” Learn where sizing went wrong for these customers. Perhaps the customer miscalculated, or your team misjudged how the intimate would fit a specific body type.
  3. Connect with your sales and customer service team: These teams have a deep understanding of the company’s products and customer pain points. Meet with them to pick their brain on returns and exchanges. What goes wrong that leads to returns or exchanges? How do they help customers find the right products and sizes?

Organize all the information you gather from these sources to create a fit finder quiz that digs deep into the data to help potential customers choose the proper size for your products.

Prioritize Seamless Integrations

Consumers don’t want to jump through hoops to purchase a product or join loyalty programs. Your team should have a seamless experience that connects customer data to your backend.

Integrations should allow for an easy checkout process that adds customer data to your CRM and ESP. eCommerce platforms also need to be highly integrated to make it as straightforward as possible to:

  • Collect email and SMS information
  • Track analytics
  • Add recommended products or bundles to the cart directly from the quiz results
  • Encourage reviews and ratings
  • Add and join customer loyalty programs

A lot of time needs to go into your tech stack.

Ask Questions About Delicates… Delicately 

Swimsuits, bras, and other intimates are tricky to size online. That’s why quizzes are perfect for this market. But it’s important to remember that we’re talking about bodies – and that can be a sensitive subject. Be mindful of this when creating your quizzes.

Ask questions about delicates in a delicate way. 

Here are some tips:

Get to Know Them First

Don’t start your quiz with your most sensitive questions. Get to know the customer a little first. Ask them more about their lifestyle or preferences to kick things off.

example of a fit finder quiz question that asks a lifestyle question
Andie starts their quiz by asking customers what they’ll be doing in their swimwear before moving on to more sensitive questions, like bra size.

style quiz question
Pinsy starts their fit finder quiz off by asking about the shopper’s personal style.

Be Friendly and Inviting

When asking more sensitive questions, use a friendly and inviting tone to make shoppers feel more comfortable. Use approachable language, and if it’s on-brand, keep things lighthearted with emojis.

a bra fit finder quiz on a mobile device
Bleuet uses body-positive messaging and fun emojis to appeal to their young audience. 

Use Tooltips to Give Context and Instructions

Don’t be afraid to use tooltips to give quiz takers more context. If you’re asking sensitive questions that seem irrelevant, tell them why. Your transparency will help win their trust.

Tooltips are also a great way to give quiz takers instructions on how to take measurements.

pop-up explainer in a fit finder quiz for swimsuits
Andie provides visual and textual instructions for measuring torso length. 

Fit Finder Example Questions

examples of mobile fit finder quizzes by andie, bleuet, and pinsy
These quizzes ask questions to guide shoppers to the perfect fit.
  • What activities do you do?  
  • Who are you shopping for?
  • What is your style?
  • What is your bra size?
  • What size bottoms do you usually wear?
  • What level of bottom coverage do you prefer?
  • What rise do you prefer in bottoms?
  • How much shaping do you want? 
  • Are you looking for a one-piece, two-piece, or both?
  • How tall are you?
  • How much bust support do you prefer? 
  • How much padding do you prefer? 
  • Do you prefer adjustable straps?
  • What colors do you like?

Capture Email/SMS (and Zero-Party Data)

You have the perfect questions. Your quiz looks awesome. But there’s one more step to take before you provide shoppers with their results: a capture page.

Now is the perfect time to grow your list and collect zero-party data.  

Here’s what we recommend:

Make Your Capture Pages Skippable

Some shoppers don’t want to share their email or SMS info. They just want their results. And if you make your capture page skippable, they’re more likely to see their recommendations and therefore, make a purchase.

Digioh customers that include a prominent “skip and see results” button see a 70% reduction in drop-off rates – that’s huge!

And don’t forget that you still have an opportunity to collect their email during checkout. 

Bleuet’s “skip and see results” button is impossible to miss and allows them to convert customers who don’t want to share their info.

Send Results Reminders Via Email

Don’t forget to remind shoppers about their results. Some quiz takers aren’t ready to make a purchase today

Keep your brand at the forefront of their minds by sending reminder emails. Treat the email like an abandonment email.

Remember – this is the same strategy that Andie used to boost their email revenue by $70K.

Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse

Give shoppers an incentive to provide their email address. Add a custom dynamic coupon code to the results page for shoppers who enter their phone number or email address.


When a coupon code is offered, 85% of consumers are influenced to make a purchase.

Use an Email Capture to Handle Tricky Quiz Results

What if someone takes your quiz, but their answers don’t generate any recommendations? Use an email capture to keep these shoppers interested and engaged. Ask them to provide their email address so that your support team can get in touch with them.

bra fit quiz with email capture page
Pinsy asks shoppers to enter their email addresses to get help from support if they can’t recommend a size.

Give Shoppers More Than Their Fit Finder Results – Give Them Recommendations

When a shopper takes your quiz, don’t just show them their results – recommend products that fit their size or personal preferences.

You can even display details about the fit, like torso length or bust support, to help customers find their perfect match. 

personalized product recommendations for swimsuits
Andie recommends a variety of products to shoppers, along with size and fit info, to erase customer doubt and make the sale.

Product recommendations skyrocket conversions, so take advantage of this opportunity.

And when shoppers are done with your quiz, ensure you’re doing one more critical thing: following up.

Follow-Up After the Quiz

A shopper just completed your quiz - awesome! But your job isn’t done. Don’t go radio silent. Follow-up after the quiz.

It’s not just about creating an awesome quiz. It’s what you do with it after the fact.

Make sure you’re following up with quiz takers – whether or not they make a purchase. 

If they don’t buy right away:

  • Send them a quiz results email or SMS message
  • Retarget them on Google Ads or social media

Remind them that they’re missing out on the perfect fit. Shoppers know how hard it is to find the right size for swimsuits and intimates. Chances are, they haven’t found what they’re looking for yet. 

Your reminder may be the push they need to make a purchase.

If they DO purchase right away:

  • Add them to an email flow, and show them other products they may like
  • Retarget them with other products that match their preferences and size 
  • Encourage them to take the quiz again next season (for swimwear) or in 6 months (for intimates)

Your quiz is just the first step in building a relationship with customers. Use the zero-party data you collect to earn their loyalty by showing them other products they’ll love.

Spread the Word

You’ve built the ultimate fit finder quiz – now what? Spread the word! 

Your fit finder quiz is part of the buying experience, so make sure customers can find it. 

What’s the best way for them to find it?

Add a Link to Your Navigation Bar

Make it easy to find your quiz by adding it to your nav bar. Shoppers searching for information won’t miss it because your menu already has their attention. 

If you have multiple fit-finding resources, you can add them to a dropdown menu, like this:

cta for a bra fit finder quiz by bleuet
Bleuet has a Fit & Size dropdown menu that gives easy access to their quiz and other resources.

If you only have one quiz, you can feature it prominently on your navigation bar, like this: 

fit finder quiz featured in an ecommerce site's navigation bar
Andie makes their fit finder quiz the first item on their navigation bar, so shoppers can’t miss it.

Feature it On Your Product Page

Your nav bar is a great place to feature a quiz, but what if shoppers ignore it? Entice them to take your quiz by adding it to your product pages.

Product pages are the perfect place to promote your fit finder quiz. Before they add the item to their cart, they have to make a few choices – including their size.

Some shoppers may not know which size to choose, especially if they’re shopping for intimates, swimwear, or custom apparel. 

If you don’t provide guidance, they may leave your site and shop with a competitor instead.

A size guide is a good start, but customers want to know their size. Your fit finder quiz can give them the confidence they need to take the next step in the buyer’s journey.

Here’s a great example of how to promote your quiz on your product page:

ecommerce pdp with a fit finder quiz
Andie highlights their quiz on their product pages, so shoppers who aren’t sure about their size can find the perfect fit.

If you want your fit finder quiz to drive results, on-site promotion is key. But you should also be promoting your quiz through:

  • Email campaigns
  • Social media marketing
  • Engaging video content
  • Paid advertising

Psst – We did an entire blog post about the best practices for promoting your quiz, so be sure to check that out! 

Perfect Quizzes Require Consistent Testing

Your quiz is done. Woohoo! But there’s one tiny issue: you must test and update your quiz consistently. If you introduce a new product unlike anything in your catalog, you may need to adjust a few questions to integrate it into your quiz nicely.

And if you find that something is now off with your sizing, your quiz may need a snappy update.

The time and effort you put into your fit finder quiz teaches you a lot about your customers and how you can better meet their needs.

Rene Emery
Contributing Writer
Emery is a B2B/Finance/SaaS writer who focuses on clear, concise, and optimized content. Leveraging 12+ years of experience, she relies on her work with hundreds of companies worldwide to create content that speaks to readers and makes difficult topics easy to understand.

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